Sunday, April 28, 2024

quote of the day

 A line from the old Jim Carrey comedy Me, Myself and Irene that gave me a good laugh recently:

Irene:  I never wanted to sleep with you, Hank.  Okay, you tricked me!

Hank:  Yes, I tricked you.  It was deceitful, it was disgusting and despicable.  But just for once, try to see it from my side....I was horny.    

Saturday, April 27, 2024

sunday morning

One reason I started writing on a blog again after years of not doing it was because I wasn't a fan of the Facebook and Instagram experience that force you to see whatever somebody has posted.  I like the idea of putting something out there, and if your friends are interested in seeing it, they search it out (I wonder what the dork is up to...let me check). I don't want this to be on a feed, ideally.  It's public, but also feels a bit more private.

It also gives me a chance to easier display my odd creative work.  This morning I'm posting a soundscape I wrote a short while ago:  Recovery Modulating.  

And...a not so random thought.  This Wednesday, on May 1st, it will be 7 years of no drinking for me (and I mean not a single sip). I do not say this to be preachy, righteous or to suggest that my life was some disaster when I did drink (I assure you it was not; I frequently had a fucking blast).  For a few very good reasons, though, I knew that that lifestyle was completely unsustainable.  So I quit and, whaddyaknow, I ended up becoming happier than I had ever been before.  I enjoy the discipline and self respect that staying away from alcohol affords me. 

The moral of the story?  Don't fuckin' negotiate with terrorists.  Keep your head together. 

local humor

I walked by this today and thought it was a cool name for a bar.  It's called 신술동, which is right next to 신설동 station. The way they changed the second syllable block to mean 'alcohol' is clever.  King Sejong would be proud.  

Thursday, April 25, 2024


my friend is opening a bar so we went for a visit (a ginger ale there, to be clear).

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

thursday bullshit

1. After a lot of midterm grading last night I binged Baby Reindeer on Netflix.  It's an interesting drama based on a true story about a man in London who has an obsessed, mentally ill stalker.  It was surprisingly deep and thoughtful with some powerful acting.  Strong recommendation.

2.  Interested in Buddhist meditation?  I really like Thanissaro Bikkhu's work.  I have been a long time listener and fan/practitioner of his work.  He has an impressive knowledge of the practice and history.  

3.  I have worn my new Nintendo sweatshirt for 3 days in a row because it's so amazing. I will never take it off...not even for your funeral. 


"Well that makes us practically related."

Tuesday, April 23, 2024



Just practicing some guitar on top of a loop I made which, though it may sound kind of strange, is also a (very processed) guitar.  I like the sound I came up with there.  

iambic 5 poetry by squarepusher

I had just graduated university and one of my friends gave me a Squarepusher mix tape.  I was staying with my folks in Minneapolis, doing social work and often visiting a local bar close to a lake.  I listened to this track a lot, played Playstation 1 games in the attic, and thought to myself...what the fuck am I gonna do with my life?

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Diana (played by Jane Badler) from the 1984 TV miniseries V might very well have been my first crush ever.  Sweet lord almighty just look at her.

the infinitely re-readable

I talk a lot about fiction here because I think this blog sort of focuses on my creative far at least (you just wait until I start talking about my kinks and MILF fetishes...I will make this room uncomfortable for everyone).  Believe it or not I do read a fair amount of non-fiction, but these days I've been focused on more colorful storytelling and I don't see that slowing down anytime soon.

I am sometimes asked by friends for a novel recommendation and I'll often suggest this.  Oryx and Crake is the story of two childhood friends and one of their lovers in the setting of a post-apocalyptic world.  It's certainly dark stuff, but it's also captivating and I am hesitant to say much about the plot because the less you know the better.  I'll just say that I think Margaret Atwood understands teenage boys better than I did when I was a teenager.  I'll also say that there was a moment in this book where I clearly remember saying "Holy shit" out loud because it was such a powerful piece of writing. 

One of my friends recommended this to me years ago and said "it changed my life."  I thought maybe it was just hyperbole but after reading it the first time I thought, Oh, ok I get it. I will always be grateful that he turned me on to this.


Give him what he wants or he will make this face all day.

EDIT: In case it's not clear, he wants ice cream, dummy!

more notes: frank booth

I recently revisited my Criterion copy of Blue Velvet.   I will never not be fascinated with the character of Frank Booth.  He is unhinged, fearless impulse and perversion. Naturally this intrigues me because I'm an impulsive fucking pervert.  

Blue Velvet isn't my favorite Lynch film (that would be either Mulholland Drive or Fire Walk with Me), but I've always thought it's his best, technically speaking.  It has the perfect balance of weirdness and well-crafted crime narrative, but it's also one of Lynch's most accessible flicks. That's...all I have to say.

Friday, April 19, 2024

tonight's film: late night with the devil

Finally got to watch this tonight! I've been waiting to see it and sure enough I loved it.  I live for old school horror and this was fantastic homage while being original in its own way. Big thumbs up.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

more notes (The Gorgon edition)

Because I have some downtime here in the office and you know I like to ramble.  

1) Deadline just reported that Tarantino has dropped The Movie Critic as his final film and he won't be doing it now.  That's too bad as I thought the story sounded like an interesting change of style for him.  My feelings on his films have fluctuated over the years and I find myself enjoying his work now more than I did in the past.  Perhaps this is an unpopular opinion, but I now think that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is his best film.  Yes, even better than the amazing Pulp Fiction.  The dialogue in Hollywood is just soooo damn good. I love those characters.  

2) I am thrilled to hear that one of my best friends is moving back to Korea this summer along with his wife.  Homeboy and I are very close (we met 20 years ago my first week in this country) and I can't wait to see him again.  We talk every week and this has been a great new development.  

3) The other day at my daughter's house I put on a classic Hammer horror film from 1964: The Gorgon.  I love that Youtube has so many films and my premium service is one of the few I own which I have no qualms paying for.  The Gorgon is just classic Peter Cushing/Christopher Lee fare and I love it for its haunted house atmosphere.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

alan moore

I can only hope to look as cool as Alan Moore when I hit that age.  He is a living wizard.  I can listen to this guy talk about writing forever.

suwon nights

I took this photo in February of 2008.  It may look photoshopped, but the sky was really that color.  I had just bought a new DSLR and went out very late with some friends to get some cool shots.    This is at Hwaseong Fortress, not far from where I lived at the time.  


I just started the new TV series Fallout.  It's creative, visually strong, and I'm happy to see the solid reviews.  I was sort of worried because of prior game to TV/Movie adaptions (I thought The Last of Us was terribly uninteresting).  But it's a lot of fun...and Ella Purnell is very easy on the eyes.  

I played my first Fallout game back on the Xbox 360 (Fallout 3) many years ago.  I loved the DC wasteland and, after a steep learning curve, I ended up enjoying the combat mechanics.  I had never played anything like that up to that point.  Fallout 4 was equally fun, but '76 was a bit of a mess and I couldn't connect to it.  Anyhoo, let's see if this has some meat on its bones.

UPDATE: Meh, it's pretty average actually.

Monday, April 15, 2024

morning talk

I am very much a morning person.  Obnoxious and insufferable, I know!  I woke up, put the finishing touches on a new track, and am having my coffee.  So here is a little mellow song for you:  Early Morning.  Once again I used a lot of the Korg Triton on this track. I still haven't really explored this beyond the presets too much so I'll need some more time.  

Also wanted to share what I'm playing these days:  Star Ocean: The Second Story R.  I am absolutely loving it.  It's a remake of an old Playstation 1 JRPG. Very nerdy stuff but old school vibes.  There is something magical about that pixel art and addictive combat that has got me hooked.  

I am continuing Frank Herbert's God Emperor of Dune and am really digging it.  They had me at Leto has morphed into a giant worm and is a brutal ruler.  My kind of jam.

What am I not liking?  Preparing for midterm exams next week.  

Friday, April 12, 2024

your daily joke

Wife walks up to her husband and asks, "Do I look fat in this dress?"

Husband: "Before I say anything, you gotta promise, no matter WHAT I say, you won't get mad."

Wife: "Ok, I promise."

Husband: "I fucked your sister."

Carving Knife

Need a good short horror story to read?  Then try this: Carving Knife.  It was written by my good friend Liam Ring.  He is an excellent writer and I have always been incredibly impressed with his work. This isn't simply praise because he's a buddy; his work is genuinely excellent in my opinion.  He has a diction and flow that I really admire.  

Years ago I read his first book, The Tiger Awakens (check it out on your Kindle if you enjoy crime fiction) and he was kind enough to give some of my work a look.

Anyhow, Carving Knife is a quick read and I had a great time with it this morning! I love the creativity. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

new ambient track

Something I started working on a couple of days ago and finished this morning with my (ultra strong) coffee: Blue Atom.  

I used a lot of the Korg Triton emulator on this one, which is new to me.  I heard someone describe the original synth (produced in 1999) saying that it was fantastic for New Age-style music...and they weren't wrong.   There are some great patches there. 

the end of the line


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

the holiest of grinds

 Saw this yesterday in Yongsan. 


nightmare 3 art

Nice fan art via Pinterest (no artist name given, unfortunately).  I've always thought that Dream Warriors is by far the best Elm Street sequel.  

Taryn was such an excellent character.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Monday, April 8, 2024

Remembering the movie Wonder Boys (2000)

My older brother and I often talk of our love for this film.  I saw it alone at a classic movie house in Minneapolis (the magnificent Riverview Theater) during the short time I lived there with my parents.  It was within walking distance and I recall listening to PJ Harvey's Stories From the City... a lot those days. There was a nearby cafe across the street from the theater that I would frequent, as well.

The story is of a creative writing professor who is going through a divorce and appears to be having a midlife crisis of sorts.  It may seem like a cliched story, but it absolutely works.  There is a strong support cast (Rip Torn, Robert Downey Jr., Katie Holmes and Tobey Maguire) and the snowy Pittsburg area university setting reminds me of my own college days at MSU.

But the heart of the film is unquestionably Michael Douglas' performance.  It's warm, funny and wry, and luckily he had a strong script to work with.  This is one of those infinitely re-watchable flicks for me. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

fantastic poster art for Dune


a time of quiet between the storms

I rewatched Dune Part 2 at home today.  Hot damn, it is good.  The theme song, A Time of Quiet Between the Storms, is superb.   The very last moment of that film is wrenching: the look of heartbreak that turns into rage on Chani's face as she prepares to ride the worm after Paul announces his ascension to the throne by way of marrying Irulan.  It's enough to make the hair on your arms stand up.  Excellent filmmaking.  

edward hopper: new york movie (1939)


New York Movie is one of my favorite paintings.  Last summer I had the opportunity to see some original sketches that Hopper made for the painting at the Seoul Museum of Art.  Unfortunately they didn't have the actual painting there, but seeing the preparation and practice sketches was very cool.  

Saturday, April 6, 2024

pimping my ride

I've always liked to add a little character to my tech, whether it be the Switch, a custom phone case or now my Macbook.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

unbelievable AI filmmaking

I am so impressed with what this creator has done with classic films in turning them into versions of 1950's Panavision-style cinema.  I would murder to watch a full version of Star Wars that looks like this.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Popcorn (1991)

Popcorn is an underrated gem of horror and cheese.

A group of university film students decide to host a classic horror movie showing at a vintage theater to earn money for their program.  Things get weird when they find an old film canister with a disturbing cult movie on it.

When I was in my early teens I sneaked out of my house and walked over to a friend's place.  We watched this late at night and enjoyed its goofyness. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

stephen king vibing like a boss

From On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (an absolutely fantastic book, in my opinion).  This photo looks like pure happiness to me.  There might have been a time in my youth when I thought owning multiple Ferraris and world travel would be my life's ultimate goals, but things change.  Give me this atmosphere (books, dog, desk, computer) and time relaxing with my daughter and I'm all good to the end.  

A first time for everything...

 I never thought I would say these words, as a Hoosier and a Spartan, but...go Purdue!

tears in the rain

I still have the movie ticket nestled into my now obsolete HD-DVD collector's edition of the film.  Once every few years I'll open it and take a look.  The date reads Friday, December 7th, 2007.  It was for the new director's cut of 1982's Blade Runner, a movie I still worship for its artistic brilliance.  It was playing in Apgujeong at the CGV and I couldn't have been more excited that night. It was a brand new digital remaster and edit of Ridley Scott's finest work.

Pong helped me buy the ticket but she couldn't go so I would attend solo.  After the show I met with her and I couldn't stop glowing about what I had just seen. I'm sure I blabbed on about how amazing it looked and sounded and felt.

Just a great memory of mine that I like to think of from time to time. 

Apropos: Tears in the Rain.